By Abdulmumin Murtala, Kano

President Muhammadu Buhari has on Monday commissioned the $16 million 10 megawatts solar power plant to support industries and the host community in Kano.

While commissioning the project, Haske Solar under the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority
(NSIA), expressed appreciation saying, “the project will help to revive ailing industries in the state who depend on electricity to power their giants plants.”

In his remark, the Managing Director and the Chief Executive Officer of the NSIA Aminu Umar Sagir, described the project as a progress for the people towards adding value to the economy.

“All the necessary support and funds were provided for the implementation of the project and hopefully the impact of the project would be felt via creation of fresh employment opportunities” he stated.

He also said that as the project begins to supply power, it would put a smile on the faces of families through employment opportunities to be created for individuals and collective families.

“At the close of the day peace and security would reign Supreme as Nigerian masses would no longer starve over lack of food because they would be paid emolments at the close of the end of the day.

“The project is to be supervised and managed by the NSIA which is jointly owned by the federal government, Kano state and the host community, Kumbotso.

“The project is currently the largest grid-connected solar PV plant and is proof of successful mid-sized solar PV deployment in Nigeria.

“This would catalyst growth in the power sector as it shows that renewable projects of this magnitude can be successfully delivered. It also buildseq Nigeria’s creditials in the fight against climatey change and our commitment to attaining net zero carbon emissions by 2060” he added.

Other projects commissioned by the president during the one day state visit include the Dala Inland Port, Dangote Skills Acquisition Centre and Galaxy Backbone among others.

The post Buhari commissions multibillion Naira solar power project in Kano appeared first on Vanguard News.

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