By Pius Ross Imienwanrin

Rapid and almost frightening changes have occurred in the world in which we live in the past few years. The world in the way we know it is facing existential crises, enormous challenges, socio- economic downturn and global upheavals. 

The world is going through turbulent times: the aftermath of COVID 19 pandemic, incessant lock-downs and shut-downs, climate change, hyper-inflation, floods and draught, the Russian-Ukraine war, the challenge of nuclear threat, insecurity, insurgencies, the disruption of the global supply chain, conflicts and crises in the Middle East and dysfunction in the social and economic systems.

Neither war, propaganda, geopolitics, nor diplomacy seemed to have proffered any lasting solution to the global tension. Peace continues to be elusive and the future uncertain.  Economic experts have expressed “fears of a severe, long and ugly recession.” 

The World Bank declared recently that there in now a real risk of recession as a result of interlocking challenges, with the increasing rate of youth unemployment, joblessness, disorientation of the individual and alienation of families.

The poverty and suffering index continue to rise at an alarming rate. Leaders of nations, economic and political experts, the United Nations and various world bodies have sought ways and means of addressing these disturbing and perplexing crises with apparently no far-reaching panacea. Man seems to have come to his wit’s end in tackling these daunting challenges.

There is a pervasive sense of hopelessness and helplessness, despite technological advancement as basic human needs of food, shelter, health, peace and security are hardly met in most nations of the world. Despite modern civilization, man is still limited in his vision, ability and resources. The end of man’s prodigious knowledge and advancement with all its contradictions and conflicts is the beginning of God’s possibilities and supernatural intervention which will get at the root of man’s problems, which to all intents and purposes, are man-made. Yet there is hope.

Where man has failed, God will never fail.  The leaders of nations and indeed the world of men need to hearken to the voice of God. At sundry times and in different climes and epoch of man’s existence, divine instruments have been used to proffer solutions to intractable problems.

In ancient Egypt, Joseph was an instrument used by God to save Egypt and other nations in a period of severe famine. In Bible days, men of God and prophets of God have been God’s mouthpiece to declare His word to the nation of Israel and other nations in their moments of transgressions. In such instances, God’ mercy is offered instead of His chastisement or judgment, on condition of repentance. 

The renowned world evangelist, Late Dr. Billy Graham was a counselor and spiritual director to many presidents of America. He was respected and revered by countless leaders of nations and millions of people across the globe. He was God’s mouthpiece and a distinct voice to multitudes of people across the globe, to offer hope, salvation, succour, peace, deliverance and blessings through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

There can be no true, enduring peace, progress and prosperity without the help of God, the Creator. Perhaps, it was the realization of the need to seek divine intervention in these turbulent times that leaders of nations have invoked prayers and sought the intervention and intercession of credible and trusted men of God. True change in man’s affairs can only occur when there is a change in man’s heart through the instrumentality of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The birth of the vision of the Global Crusade with Pastor (Dr.) William Kumuyi (GCK) is perhaps one practical and holistic way of addressing the problems that affect the spirit, soul and body of man through the power of Gospel. Christ had stated in the Bible that: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

“And if the Son (Jesus) shall set you free you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:32, 36). Christ, during His earthly ministry demonstrated His compassion and love for suffering humanity and His manner was to preach the Good News to the people, the gospel of salvation that deals with the greatest problem of man, sin. He fed the hungry miraculously, healed their sicknesses and diseases and relieved them of their oppression, pain, suffering and Satanic bondages and afflictions. (Matthew 4:23, 24; Acts 10:38; Mark 7:37: 8:1-9). He delegated His power and authority to His disciples and followers and commissioned them to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew10:1, 8).

The Gospel brought succour and transformation in the lives of those who believed the truth of the saving grace of God through Christ’s vicarious death on the Cross of Calvary and His glorious resurrection after three days. The apostles and disciples of Christ in obedience to the Lord’s command went about everywhere preaching the gospel in His Name (Jesus Christ) with signs, wonders and diverse miracles accompanying their proclamation.

Pastor Kumuyi, a university dons and mathematician started his ministry (Deeper Christian Life Ministry) in 1973 as a little ember with just 15 persons in his flat at the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria and within a few decades has blossomed to become one of the fastest growing churches in Africa with branches in various parts of the world. His ministry in the early days has been blessed with the miraculous and supernatural manifestation of the power and gifts of the Spirit of God.  His sound, solid, and systematic teaching of the Word accompanied with the miraculous has accounted largely for the extra-ordinary growth of the church. 

Since the inception of the Global Crusade (GCK) over a year ago, Pastor Kumuyi has been proclaiming a message of hope to a world redolent with crises, suffering and pain. He speaks constantly to inspire hope and confidence despite the pervasive sense of fear and uncertainties. Evaluating the general negative attitude of many over current challenges, he said: “We magnify our problems and minimize our hope.

We should still have hope in God in these trying times. Nigeria or the world is not in total despair. Things can be turned around and I believe there will be light in the tunnel. We have a God who loves all people, answers prayers and is deeply concerned about human problems.”  The global crusade since its debut has witnessed outstanding testimonies of transformation of lives – multitudes across the globe have been saved, healed and delivered, with accompanying miracles and supernatural wonders.

Empirical and statistical report has it that the Gospel has been proclaimed by Dr. Kumuyi to reach beyond 150 countries with a towering monthly average of physical participants of between 40,000 and 150,000 and virtual audience of over 3 million people globally.

A staggering total of over 200,000 people across the world has been saved and transformed during the crusades. Besides, more than 30 million people have been impacted globally in the last year through the GCK. The Crusades, which started under the aegis of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, DCLM, has transmuted into a non-denominational monthly gathering of six days of powerful preaching; breaking new grounds and new frontiers of gospel proclamation and penetration, outclassing the traditional methods of evangelism.

At the just concluded GCK in Minna, Pastor Kumuyi had said: “The Lord wants me to come out of the closed doors of Deeper Life Bible Church to open the doors and come to all of you and then take you deeper than deeper” Through the Global Crusade, tens of thousands of people have been set free and delivered from myriads of Satanic oppression, afflictions and torments like the deadly COVID 19, HIV/AIDS, cancer, strokes, blindness, deafness, barrenness, severe pains and lots more. There are incredible cases of spectacular miracles: the dead being raised to life during the prayer of Dr. Kumuyi at the crusades. An aged woman from one of the towns in Western Nigeria slumped and gave up the ghost. Attempts made by relations to revive her proved abortive. Amidst wailing voices, efforts were being made to take her to the hospital mortuary. 

Meanwhile the ministration and prayer of Dr. Kumuyi was going on during the GCK crusade. At the end of the prayer, the dead woman, popped open her eyes and simply got up alive. Dennis Togan, after graduation from Tagun school of technology in Northern Nigeria developed mental problem and became unstable and uncoordinated; but after the prayer of Pastor Kumuyi, he was completely healed of madness. Mercy Clement, a sinner, got saved and experienced peace of mind during Pastor  Kumuyi’s preaching.

Antonia Elijah was healed of 16 years peptic ulcer after the prayer of the man of God   Amatu Buba was born without limbs, crippled; and crawled like a snake for 35 years, was miraculously healed after prayer by Dr. Kumuyi during the Taraba (one of the states in Northern Nigeria) GCK crusade. Mercy Paul was afflicted with breast cancer for upward of two years. She lost her sight and could not walk unaided.

It was a metastatic case, and had gone through chemotherapy. The golden lifeline came after the prayer of the man of God (Kumuyi) and she was miraculously healed of breast cancer and her eye sight was also restored. Adamu Ganiyat Fulani, from Alaran community was healed of 20 years deafness during the Bayelsa State (South-South Nigeria) GCK crusade.      

In the hosting of the global crusade, Dr Kumuyi has created a space for the youths, young people and young professionals with the goal of engaging, empowering and impacting their lives without regard to their religious persuasion.

The overriding intention is to refocus and redirect their minds and energies along positive and creative outlets for holistic growth, development and actualization of their dreams of a brighter and better future, where they can be useful to themselves as well as make vital inputs and contributions to the wellbeing of their families, the nation and the world.

Pastor Kumuyi expressed this passionately: “My vision for young people is to impact their lives positively; to engage them on proven, success principles on which they can base their lives in order to create the desirable change to help them to be their best for their families, the country and the world.”

He explained that “it is principles that matter for growth, success and impact in life. It is not so much the number of times they have failed in the past like Abraham Lincoln, but the new principles and attitudes cultivated to make for future, all-round success in life.”   

His engagement with the young people holds every Saturday of the period of the GCK, under the acronym, YES (Young Eagles Soaring).

The sky is their limit, he said, “If they can say yes to themselves, there is no limit regarding their successful achievement.”  The IMPACT series for youths and young professionals has touched many lives and brought successful people across the globe to speak to young people and meaningfully engage them. One Daniel, a university student for seven years, a drug addict, has contemplated suicide after suffering from acute depression.

During the IMPACT January 2022, the message by Pastor Kumuyi titled “Moving on from Mediocrity to Mastery by a Miracle,” he was delivered from drug abuse. The story of his life simply changed. These global interventions have positively impacted people across the globe. This is certainly a vision whose time has come in these depressing and turbulent times.

The post Divine intervention in a period of global recession appeared first on Vanguard News.

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