Former President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday on Tuesday explained why corruption has been deeply engrained in the country.

The ex-president, who spoke at the launch of a book written by former Chaplain of the Aso Rock Villa Chapel, Obioma Onwuzurumba, said the fear of the unknown after retirement in the public service was fueling corruption in the system.

He also decried the neglect of civil servants after their retirement from service.

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Jonathan said: “One of the greatest problems we have in Nigeria and probably that’s why corruption is so pervasive, is that people don’t know what will happen to them tomorrow so such people are tempted to say, now that I’m active in service, let me help myself in a bad way.

“Corruption is deeply rooted in our society because there is no welfare system that can manage people, especially if you look at the people in the security services. Today I was listening to one radio commentary, I think they were talking about the police and so on, and it is true. Somebody works to become a commissioner of police and retired, and he has almost nothing. If care is not taken, he will become a beggar. So, such people are tempted to say, now that I am active, let me help myself in a bad way.”

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